Monday, November 3, 2008

Recognizing the Spirit

Tonight for family home evening, we talked about how to recognize the Spirit. With small children, these sort of discussions do not last long but we did our best. Bibs was tired for lack of nap today, thus making her grouchy and distracted. When we started to sing the closing song, I am a Child of God, she sat in my lap with her blankie. When the song was over, she said, excitedly, "Mom, I'm not sad anymore! Mom, I'm not sad anymore!" I was so happy, it was a perfect moment to explain the feelings of the Spirit, and how to recognize it. It was a perfect ending to a somewhat imperfect Family Home Evening.


Liz and the girls said...

you are awesome!! Sometimes I have hard time getting FHE done at all. Good for you.

Mandee said...

What a great ending to your lesson. It is always a sweet moment when you can teach them those things.

Paula said...

Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I think your little family is so dnag adorable. It's awesome when the little ones finally get "it" even if it seems like they never will get "it". Hang in there. You're doing a great job!