Wednesday, August 20, 2008

It's been a while...

It's been a while... Sorry about that, there's been a lot going on. We just celebrated Jonathan's 29th birthday on friday, saturday, sunday, and again on tuesday. Tuesday was his actual birthday, but we had to have a date night, friends party, family party, and dinner with dad. Whew! How would it be to have your birthday last nearly a week! :o) Thanks to everyone who made it so special. Jonathan is just so social and loves visiting. Most of you know that already! :o)

More good news.... Samuel is finally walking. Mostly. He walks about 70-75% of the time. It's been so fun this time around to sit and just watch him slowly waddle around. He had the biggest smile and gets so excited and worked up that he can only make it across one room before he falls and has to get back up again.

Jonathan is done working in Vernal for the time being. It's nice to have him around more often. :o) I don't get so lonely anymore! :o) I'll try to be better at posting. I lost my camera for a while there, so it wasn't any fun. :o)


Matt and Mandy said...

Glad to have you back :) Happy B-day Jonathan!

Sharlynn said...

It is about time lady! I am glad that you are blogging again. How fun to have pedicures together.