Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Random Updates... MORE to come!
This is a picture of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert Jonathan and I went to. It was pretty incredible. We were in the 9th row on the floor. During part of the concert they actually had snow falling from some mysterious place above us. It was magical!
Here's my little Singing Bird, Olivia. This was the name given her at her preschool's Thanksgiving feast. It is very appropriate. She is always singing.
Here is "Singing Bird" asleep on the floor. I guess she was tired. ;o) This girl can sleep anywhere, anyhow! I love how she is all sprawled out on the floor!
Here's Halloween! I had two pirates and a cowgirl! I got to stay home and take care of little Aimee. She was only two weeks old..
Monday, July 20, 2009
Super Busy!
All the days are melting together, literally. This heat is killing me. The month of July has been a wild one! I really look forward to the holiday this weekend. More fireworks! We had family staying here fourth of July weekend, then during the following week, the day after they left we had a little mission reunion at our home then had a friend stay with us, then more family staying here until this Friday! Basically we've had two or three days this month with no one here. The kids have had a blast. They are definitely used to having SOMETHING going on, and when there's not, they just whine. So it's been nice to have so much family and friends to visit with this month.
Sarah and Olivia start school at the end of August. It's starting to feel like we are beginning a new phase of our life--kids in school--and all the beauties and trials it brings. I'm terrified of dealing with Sarah in the REAL WORLD. As much as kindergarten can be considered the "real world!" Here we come. I am so grateful for Jonathan and the spiritual strength he is in our family. He is always ready to teach lovingly to our beautiful children the principles of the gospel that will give them strength and courage to face the trials that they will be experiencing throughout the rest of their life. I constantly feel the pressure of being a good mom and teaching the kids the things they need to know and being eternally patient. I know that if I just smile more, I find more to be grateful more and find myself being more patient and loving with my kiddos. My heart melts when they learn to play so well together and teach each other. I love to see Samuel copy everything the girls say or do. Can't wait for our newest addition to the family to join us. I only wish I knew her name. :o)
On Saturday, I was playing ward softball and was running to first base, tripped and fell (gracefully, I'm sure) and sprained my knee. It's been pretty frustrating. I had to have the girls tuck themselves into bed last night because I could not get down the stairs. It's worse than having surgery on my ankle. At least then I could crawl around. And to make matters worse, I can't take anything but Tylenol. Ugh. I hope I heal quickly!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Facebook is the Devil.....
Sarah is so happy to have her friends out of school for the summer! And equally anxious to join them in the fall. Olivia is going to preschool in the fall as well. I'm pretty excited about having quiet afternoons! Bibbs has now lost her ability to pout her bottom lip and give us big puppy dog eyes when she wants her way. We now know it is all a game! Samuel is ALL Boy and we love it. His eyes light up at anything he can hit or pound with.
Here is a picture of the Salt Lake Bees game we went to last night. Tons of fun. Really warm and overcast. It was awesome. Even when it started pouring rain in the bottom of the third inning. We stayed under shelter until the 7th inning and decided to call it a night. The kids had a blast playing in the rain. It was Air Force night and we got to see four people parachute from a plane and a big flyover with jets and such really close over our heads. It was a blast.
Here is a picture of our baby girl. We thought it was a pretty good profile shot. Olivia joined us for the appointment. She thought it was pretty cool. Sarah wanted to play at her friends house instead. :o) Oh well.
Here's some big news! My Mom got MARRIED!!! We are so happy and excited for her. She actually married my Uncle Gene (her brother in law). They are now the butt of everyone's joke. We have come up with some pretty wild nicknames for Uncle Gene, now that he is my "Dad" and my kids' Grandpa! (Duncle and Grapuncle) They were married for time only in the Rexburg Temple on May 9th. It was awesome.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Our trip to Seattle!
This is at Snoqualmie Falls. It's amazing to me that you can be at the ocean one minute and be out of the city and in the heart of the mountains 25 minutes later.
This is in front of the tiny World Spice Merchant shop. I saw this store on Food Network and never thought I would actually walk right past it. The sign on the sidewalk is the only indication of what store is in the building. I was surprised to see that it had no signs on the building itself. It's a really cool place to buy whole or ground spices. I order from their website and it's cheap!! In many ways, from what I can tell, cheaper than grocery store prices--and better, fresher spices!
Livia would NOT touch the star fish, but Sarah thought it was fun. I thought it would be the other way around. Liv is usually the more daring one.
Here we are in front of the Aquarium.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Baby Tag...
Baby Tag... All about the kiddies!
1.Where were you when you first found out you were pregnant?
Las Vegas with Sarah, and home with the other two.
2.Who was with you? Jonathan, he wouldn't let me do it without him.
3. How did you find out you were pregnant? a pregnancy test
4. What was your first reaction to being pregnant? Happy, each one of these kiddos was very planned out!
5. Who was the first person you told? Jonathan, then he tells the whole world!
6. Did you plan to get pregnant? every time
7. Did you tell everyone else right away? With Sarah, we waited, because I had a miscarriage before, then with the other two, Jonathan couldn't contain himself!
8. Was everyone happy for you? Of course
9. Did you go out and celebrate? Never really thought of that..... :o)
10. Did you wanna find out the sex? Of course!
11. What was the sex? Girl, girl, boy
12. Did anyone throw you a shower? I had one with Sarah.
13. Did you get any outfits that you knew you wouldn't ever put on your baby? None that I remember, but their were a couple that I FORGOT to use. Sounds dumb, but true.
14. How much weight did you gain? 25 with Sarah, 20 with Liv and Samuel.
15. Did you lose all the weight that you gained? Yeah, not a chance!
16. Did you get any stretch marks? Acutally, no. I'm a freak about lotion, maybe it's genetics. Who knows why!
17. What did you crave the most? Can't remember anything specific.
19. Who or what got on your nerves? I'm just MORE grouchy about everything.
20. Did you have any complication with your pregnancy? Um, nope.
21. When and where did you go into labor? At the hospital all three times. I was induced all three times.
22. Did your water break? Nope.
23. Who drove to the hospital? Jonathan
24. Who was in the room when you gave birth? Jonathan, Dr. and a nurse.
25. Did you go early or late? 2 days late with Sarah, and a week early with Liv and Samuel.
26. How long were you in labor for? About 9am-6pm with all three
27. Did you have drugs for the pain? duh.
28. Natural or C-section? Natural
29. What was your first reaction when they were first born? Happiness and relief.
30. How big was she/he? 7lbs 1oz (Sarah) 7lbs 8 oz (Liv) 8lbs 6oz (Samuel)
31. Did your husband cry? Yeah, Jonathan does that.
32. What did you name your baby? Sarah Elisabeth, Olivia Kate, Samuel McBride
33. Any significant Meaning? Here goes: Sarah: (named after friend and means princess) Elisabeth (the bible-thus the spelling, again, after a friend, and means Concecrated to God) Olivia: Means Olive Tree, and... I love it. Kate: After me, and two grandmas. Samuel: Samuel the Boy Prophet in the Bible, the lamanite, and it means Name of God. McBride: after my family/Dad
34. Any visitors? Yep
35. Did baby have any complication? none.
36. How old is your baby today? Sarah is 5 yrs. Liv is3 1/2 yrs. Samuel is 20 mos.
37. When is the next one coming? About the middle of October..... ;o)
38. If you could would you do it all over again? Sure, I love all my little babies.
39.TAG: Pretty much anyone who reads my blog and would like to share in this fun post!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
idiopathic toewalkers....
This pic, I just had to post. We heard Olivia crying downstairs in their bedroom. Jonathan yelled to Sarah for an explanation, and Sarah yells back, "Olivia's stuck in the curtains!" I run down their to find her like this. She was getting ready for bed, decided to run around in her underwear making "twirls" in the curtains. Her hair raised up and got caught in the twist, and she couldn't get out. I started laughing so hard. I yelled to Jonathan to get the camera. It's even funnier as a full length pic decked out in her pink undies and stretch casts. I just didn't think it would be appropriate....
Friday, February 6, 2009
an explanation....
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Draper Temple Open House
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Raisin Filled Cookies...
Okay, they may sound pretty gross. But I LOVE them. Another tribute to My Dad. I wanted to make cookies the other day and was going through some recipes. Some I wouldn't make because they took too long, you know how that goes.... Well, when I came across these, I couldn't resist. They are a labor of love. The recipe made a whopping 24 cookies. ;o) My Dad loved these cookies. After I decided to make them, I realized that I haven't had one for about THREE YEARS! Dad seemed to make them a lot there at the end. Everytime I went up for a visit, there they were. I loved it. They really don't taste as bad as they sound. :o)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Who Knew?
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Happy New Year!
Today, first Sunday of the year, was awesome. Of course, Fast Sundays, are always wonderful. Sarah came to me last month after Fast Sunday and said she wanted to bear her testimony in Sacrament. It came to me as a surprise, she's kind of shy in front of people. I told her that this is something she needed to do on her own. I couldn't stand up there and help her. So we talked about it throughout the month of December, about what a testimony is and such. Then I forgot about it. Well today, with no Jonathan because of his work schedule, she comes to me and says she wants to bear her testimony. I told her to just do it in Primary. She said that she wanted to have me watch her. Well, I thought Primary testimonies were during Sharing Time, so I thought I wouldn't have been able to see her because I am in Senior Primary. So I asked her what she wanted to say and it goes like this:
Sarah: I'd like to bear my Testimony, I know this church is true, "mumble, mumble" something about friends.....
Mom: Sarah, Testimonies are about what you believe or know to be true. What to do you believe to be true....about the church?
Sarah: Welllll..... I know the lights always come on.
This is where I started laughing so hard, tears came rolling down.
She, of course, got mad at me. I apologized and went on. Sarah practiced again, then RAN up to the stand to bear her beautiful testimony:
"I'd like to bear my testimony. I know this church is true. Jesus is real. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
It was awesome. I was heart broken that Jonathan couldn't be there to see her. However, Jonathan WAS able to get off work early enough to actually attend Sacrament today. So it was a good day today. :o)